Friday, November 22, 2019

Cinema, Stand-up Comedy and Orfans.

I dreamed I was going to the movies with my boyfriend. The chairs were beds and there were huge screens in front and behind the room, on opposite sides. There were Santa Claus everywhere, hanging like dolls, and every time someone passed they would ring their little bells and wish them a merry Christmas, it was very annoying.

So we were watching a very boring movie, I don't remember the content, but it was very boring. I felt hungry and went out to buy something to eat, but found nothing. There was a soccer field outside, made of dirt, and there were many barefoot children playing soccer and a large slum.

 Across the little field was a very poor, half-dirty bathroom, but I was keen to pee. Upon entering there was a very thin black woman looking at me. I thought it was weird that she wanted to watch me pee, but honestly I didn't care (no, I didn't pee in bed..kkkk). As I was leaving, I opened the closet that was attached to the bathroom wall and found a can of sausages, ate two and went back to the cinema.

Arriving there, I saw my boyfriend kiss a girl like Megan Fox and looking at me, he made a scared face saying he confused me with her (detail that I look nothing like Fox). Well, I got hate, hit him and sat on my bed. That's when two girls about 9 years old started running around the theater, making noise and laughing. I fretted, took both of my arms, and led them to the football field outside. When I got there, there was a teacher who said: now they are your responsibility.

I came back and said to my boyfriend: Well, now we have two daughters and I sat in bed with them, that's when a very boring stand-up comedy started and I complained that it was a bum. The last thing I remember was the noise of Santa's bells tinkling over us.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Court, Politicians and A Suit Made of Bucciaratti.

Resultado de imagem para Bucciarati
Bruno Bucciaratti

I have a house with a very large yard, it's almost 2 thousand square meters. A lot of people are always wanting a part of it, but I'm always watching my ground.

For the sake of understanding, as you, the reader, are not necessarily otaku or have seen this anime, Bucciarati is a character from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure who's part of Italian Mafia.

Well, I was in court. A woman claimed that she needs to transpass my ground to have a safier way to get out her own house to work. Her house was apparently surrounded by slums, traffic, and darkness, and my land would help her and other residents have a safer way to reach the other side of the neighborhood. This way, they wanted to make a passage inside my garden.

Resultado de imagem para Lady KateI argued that it would make no difference because the robbers and murderers would enter the passage anyway to rob people. Besides, I would also be in danger because they would pass the side of my house. It was a political matter that there was no lighting in the neighborhood or problems with public safety.

Even so, the judge didn't seem convinced to leave me with my own home, so imagine my despair.

I'll tell you what the woman suing me was like. She was blond, but her skin was flushed by the sun. Still, she wore a lot of gold jewelry and a tacky outfit that mimicked jaguar skin. It looks like a "Karen" but of a South American type.

So I met Bucciarati in one of the courtroom corridors and explained the situation. For those who don't know, Bucciaratti is a mobster, but has a great sense of justice and he is even slightly kind. He told me that he came to testify on behalf of that woman at Mafia orders, but he would find a way to help me.

I went to the bathroom about 5 minutes later and found some documents on top of the toilet. It said that woman was a corrupt senator who wanted to use my ground to open a road. This would benefit the slum drug cartel at the end of the neighborhood and make it easier for them to get out. All the evidence was there.
Then I entered the court again.

The lawyers called Bucciaratti and he began to talk about how dangerous the favela was and how many people died there. However, in the middle of the testimony he said:

"But it's not like I could say anything. It wasn't me that day" - and winked at me.

I got the signal, got up and said the plaintiff was a rich senator and didn't even live in that neighborhood. Everyone was in shock. She laughed and said:

"So what? Because I'm a senator, I can't live in a simple place or defend my voters?"

That's when I showed the documents and the judge read everything carefully. The woman went into despair and tried to remove the papers from the judge's hand.

Resultado de imagem para pulling his skin offAt this time, Buciaratti took his skin off him.

 Yeah, he pulled his skin out like a suit and inside was a woman who looked like a prisoner.

She wore orange numbered jumpsuit and short hair. She looked at me and smiled. The guards took the two women and left. As she passed me, the prisoner said:

"Now you owe Bucciaratti."

I calmed down and woke up.