Saturday, March 21, 2020

Till Lindemann and a Lesson From the Dead

I dreamed that I had died. It wasn't an accident or anything violent, I was just old, very old, in a bed, with two men like me looking at me, one was crying and the other was looking at me sadly. Then I felt a pain in my chest and everything went dark.

When I woke up, I was in a place that looked like a fairy tale. Lavender and lilies everywhere, a sunny but fresh morning. The trees were big, tall and old ... there were some small animals like rabbits, deer, birds. When I started walking through that environment, there was a very blue stream, with some pebbles.

Then a black girl with red hair appeared and said to me:

"- You are late, but we will fix it."

So she took me to a group of people. I don't remember anyone specifically. We went to a building of shiny stones and gravel on the floor.

In the first room there was a ceiling full of stars, but they were not toys ... they were really galaxies that surrounded us while we were walking in that place. It was possible to see every planet, star, black hole. I was too distracted to notice that Till Lindemann was staring into my eye and I was startled.
Apparently in that dream I knew who he was. Yeah, I know he is in my weirdest dreams usually.

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Till Lindemann

He started talking about things like the beginning of everything and etc..but I don't remember anything at all..kkkk

In the second room, we saw all the people we love and hate during our lives. ALL OF THEM. It was really bad for me to remember some of them and I was scared and uncomfortable, but that girl who accompanied me gave me her hand and smiled.

In the third area, we went to an open courtyard, full of white flowers, Till explained to everyone present the meaning of death in the universe and that we would decide what to do and where to go after that.

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Then, I woke up.

I really wanted to remember what was said in that dream because everything seemed to have so much meaning and sense.

Unfortunately I forgot everything throughout the day.

Till Lindemann, Ed Sheeran and Sasuke Uchiha at the amusement park

I dreamed that I was in a really cool amusement park, huge, colorful, safe rides, everything shiny and the smell of good food everywhere. I played in several rides..roller coasters, ferris wheel, la bamba, kaboom, crazy cup. It seemed to be an entire island just for that, huge, and I was at a Rammstein show, right in front of the stage.

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I was having a lot of fun, feeling well and in peace..When Till Lindeman started singing Fruhling in Paris, Regina Duarte (brazilian actress and politian) started shouting something at me and trying to get my attention to answer and then Till  looked angryly deep in my eyes and spoke in English: 
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Regina Duarte

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Till Lindemann-Rammstein
"-I can't sing if you're disturbing me".

I was devastated and embarrassed and went to a corner to hide.Then a guy like Ed Sheeran came to talk to me, calm me down, but then he said he had to go because there was a special event in the park to go, but I couldn't because I didn't have the pass.

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Ed Sheeran

Out of nowhere, he changed his mind and walked with me and we bought churros and candies and shrimp sweets and snacks with soy sauce.

Then when night came, everyone retired to dormitory sheds and became like Hogwarts.

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One of the teachers was Sasuke Uchiha, the same appearance as the Bingo Book..There were some teenagers painting the walls, making caricatures of him and wanting to blame me. Ed Sheeran who told me.

Knowing this, I did a henge in the jutsu and I turned myself Sasuke and I went there to scold them.

When everyone was scared, the real Sasuke Uchiha appeared and I treated him like he was my uncle and gave him a big hug. The atmosphere was cold and everyone was confused. I explained what happened to Sasuke and left, leaving them with the real Sasuke Uchiha.

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At the end of my dream, I walked to the beach and saw a beach party, with lots of torches, food and music. People were dancing a lot and totally drunk. I sat on a tree trunk and looked at a beautiful full moon. 

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That's when I woke up.

Pug, Hospice and Guardian of the Trees.

Today I dreamed that I was at home with my boyfriend, but he was not my real boyfriend. I had gotten a pug for a dating gift, but the animal had an evil spirit inside. Every time we were alone, he would raise knives to hit me and speak curses in languages ​​I did not understand. I fell down the stairs just looking at him.

So I tried to perform an exorcism on him, with all possible unrealistic pomp and witchcraft. When my boyfriend saw this, he called the police. I didn't see anything, I was focused on looking the dog's eyes, but when I looked up to rest, I saw a strong policeman with a big mustache looking at me seriously. He handcuffed me and said that we would take care of my ''problem''.

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It was then that they took me to a huge sanatorium on top of a hill. It looked very much like a castle, with large halls, huge doors carved in gold, stone staircases. There wasn't torture and screaming…or people throwing poop on the walls. They were all normal people who were being forced to become 100% happy and playful all time. I looked at it all with suspicion. It was impossible for everyone to be happy all the time.
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There were art activities, studies, reintegration into the job market and children's play. In one of these "activities", I saw a boy. He was blond, about 12 years old, wore a red shirt, short hair, thin cheeks. He had been indicated to participate in the game: "how to act with your parents". There was a room with an actor as a father, a normal living room..but with about 60 people being an one of those auditorium shows.

When he finished the performance, he asked his "teacher":
-Did I do well this time? -The nervous look, cold sweat and looked at me.

The teacher wrote down some things and turned his back, then the boy turned to me and said:
"- You need to do well in your turn. Don't forget to smile."

The view from my window was beautiful: clear blue sea and a beautiful sunset, but a dark and gloomy forest in front, where not even that blood red and orange sunset entered. I thought it was really weird and decided to go and investigate.

To go out from sanatorium was not that hard, it was just pretending to the guards I was really happy and that I would play in the sand on the beach.

When I got close to the forest, I realized that it was surrounded by a high concrete wall and a padlocked gate. I went around trying to find another entrance. When I looked again, the door was open and I went inside. There were huge trees, tall, old, dark and surrounded by fog.

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I was walking in tree corridors trying to find out what was there, when an old man appeared beside me. He had a staff and a golden garment like gold. He spoke to me that in order to to activate the forest I needed to go to its center and extract the beauty of it.

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I walked a little further and came to a clearing, with old and destroyed houses around, poorly finished windmills and a stream. Like magic, I started to really feel a lot of joy inside me and I sang, I sang like I had never sung before. My voice was beautiful and the music was that from Anastácia, Disney.

Gradually, the forest became beautiful, alive, clear, the houses were restored, the mills were spinning, the birds were singing and there were white, pink and lilac flowers everywhere. The trees were no longer scary, they were green and flowery and the sky, which was already very dark, cleared as if we were in the morning.

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Suddenly, I hear a scary song, like these ones that come before a boss in games: he was a guardian of the forest, similar to those of the "Lord of the Rings", but thin and with a horned helmet on his head.
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He chased me through the trees while I ran and tried to find a way to stop him from killing me. Suddenly, the old man appeared and gave me his staff. I climbed a tree and stuck the staff between the creature's eyes, which turned to dust, the helmet falling heavily on the ground. I didn't want this but I had to.

And then, I finally woke up.