Saturday, March 21, 2020

Till Lindemann and a Lesson From the Dead

I dreamed that I had died. It wasn't an accident or anything violent, I was just old, very old, in a bed, with two men like me looking at me, one was crying and the other was looking at me sadly. Then I felt a pain in my chest and everything went dark.

When I woke up, I was in a place that looked like a fairy tale. Lavender and lilies everywhere, a sunny but fresh morning. The trees were big, tall and old ... there were some small animals like rabbits, deer, birds. When I started walking through that environment, there was a very blue stream, with some pebbles.

Then a black girl with red hair appeared and said to me:

"- You are late, but we will fix it."

So she took me to a group of people. I don't remember anyone specifically. We went to a building of shiny stones and gravel on the floor.

In the first room there was a ceiling full of stars, but they were not toys ... they were really galaxies that surrounded us while we were walking in that place. It was possible to see every planet, star, black hole. I was too distracted to notice that Till Lindemann was staring into my eye and I was startled.
Apparently in that dream I knew who he was. Yeah, I know he is in my weirdest dreams usually.

Resultado de imagem para Till lindemann white
Till Lindemann

He started talking about things like the beginning of everything and etc..but I don't remember anything at all..kkkk

In the second room, we saw all the people we love and hate during our lives. ALL OF THEM. It was really bad for me to remember some of them and I was scared and uncomfortable, but that girl who accompanied me gave me her hand and smiled.

In the third area, we went to an open courtyard, full of white flowers, Till explained to everyone present the meaning of death in the universe and that we would decide what to do and where to go after that.

Resultado de imagem para open courtyard, full of white flowers

Then, I woke up.

I really wanted to remember what was said in that dream because everything seemed to have so much meaning and sense.

Unfortunately I forgot everything throughout the day.

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