Saturday, December 26, 2020

Breathtaking views and Torture- Disclaimer: Not to weak stomachs. PTSD triggers. True nightmare.

I dreamt I was in a bus station, crowded as fuck, luxury everywhere. Chandeliers and tapestry at all. Walking past the platforms, I saw a mansion and a few people going in there. Thought nothing at first, tried to board to my way home, but the bus neve came. I was really really tired so 

" why not go to the mansion? maybe it is a hotel/motel indeed. I need some rest."

Reaching a garden fulll of red flowers and very ugly gnomes, I passed by a fountain full of blood. Not kidding. Sometimes in my dreams I can smell things, and based on my prior experiences, that smell was "rotting corpses and rust". 

Surprinsingly, in my dreams, I am brave as a viking warrior or a cold blood assassin psycopath so I kept moving. I knocked at door and a very very very old man answered me, invinting me to have some dinner and a rest. "Thank god?". I entered I was a very beautifull place, like a palace or something but I could'nt help notice that all the staff was crying, sometimes quietly, letting drop some tears. I thought:

"ok, there's something very wrong happening, so I gotta kick some butts or whatever." (Yeah, thats how I actually think when I dream, a fully designed persona. You saw that before in this blog right?) 

Anyway, I follwed, late at night, some old men, in robes, to a chamber deep down In a basement. Walking through the dark, there was some ice animals, like centipedes and rats ( they were literally made of ice). Reaching the bottom, I found every staff  naked and roped in devices, being TORTURED by machines, inserting a big "I dont know whatafuckwasthat" thing in their buttholes. THAT WAS PROBABLY THE MOST TERRIFYING THING I'VE EVER SAW IN MY DREAMS. 

The tortured ones were crying rivers, exclaiming that was painfull, bleeding by their anus and asking for help, while the old people were jerking off, laughing they were their slaves. Well, I had to do something. I don't know where from I took that idea but anyway..I SUMMONED A WEREWOLF. How the hell I did that? It wasn't anything I've saw before in movies. It was way more hideous, like a manticore and that thing SPOKE in a deep horrying grave voice. Asking me what do I wanna do. 

I didn't said anything but netx thing I saw, every old guy in robe was dead, except for that one who answered me at door. This one had both legs tored, but still alive. The manticore appearantly was gone because, while I was untying people, the crippled old guy kinda send me to the SPACE?! LITERALLY. 

So, there I was, in space, millions of miles from Earth. I saw Earth, beautiful, and I could see billions of stars far away. Everything was wonderfull BUT I was suffocating. Yeah, I was suffocating in a dream. I needded air. I don't know, maybe my cat was up my face, whatever, but I was trying reach a spacestation at moon, using my hands to swim like I was in the fucking ocean. For the first time in my dreams, I saw and feel myself dying and when everything got black, I woke up. There was no cat. 

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