Friday, December 25, 2020

Shingeki no Kyoujin, God and Hogwarts

I dreamed that I was studying in a poor version of Hogwarts. They were plastic tables and chairs. The clothes were not pretty and typical of witches. Men and women only wore black suits, with black ties, and black shirts, black shoes.

Outside, at the entrance to the school, was a large slate gate. A structure surrounded by huge stone statues. Beautiful, colorful, of Greek appearance mixed with Renaissance. One of the statues was of God, typically represented: man, old, bearded, kind face, located right in the center. The second represented the Virgin Mary, with the baby Jesus on her lap, wearing red and blue robes, a crown on her head, just to the right and on the left side Jesus was in his typically represented figure: man, long hair, blue eyes.

We were in class, something about transfiguration (change in appearance) and out of nowhere we all heard a crash, the ground started to shake, and we heard a voice that sounded like thunder resounding within our organs.

When we ran to check, the statues had come to life and God said:

-My creation only makes me ashamed, destroying my garden and denigrating his soul. You should live in a pure way, but don't worry my children, I will cleanse your souls-, and brandished a giant, lightning-shaped sword over the school.

The representation of the Virgin Mary came to life, with the baby in her left arm, brandishing a golden club in her right hand and shouting:

-May God's will be done!

Jesus also came out of the stone, immaculate, in white and red robes, in hand a huge two-pronged ax, but instead of advancing on the school he simply stopped and shouted to his father:

-Do we really need to do this dad?

God looked at Jesus angrily, hitting the school hard with his huge sword.

Jesus then disappeared from the scene, running, gigantic, making the whole earth tremble around, while God and Virgin Mary destroyed the school, throwing lightning bolts, stones and hitting the buildings with their weapons.

Soon after I see one of the school's security guards, a black man, leading the children to a secret passage in the back, under a huge bronze bridge. It was strange because nothing hit the children on the way. None of the various stones were thrown, and God missed all strokes of his long sword.

As I ran there, I saw angels and demons fighting in the heavens. The angels were not at all conventional: they appeared to be typical bikers, flying using harleydavidson, with a beer belly and mustache, armed to the teeth with double-barreled shotguns. When they fired, there was a very blue and beautiful glow, but the noise was scary. You could see the path of the bullets, a blue line through the air. It was the angels who were deflecting everything that came towards us. Several sweaty, fat and bearded men, floating on their motorbikes while holding God's hand so we don't die.

The demons seemed to be those pin-ups. Very beautiful and sensual, but red, armed with arrows and daggers, long sharp claws. HUGE wings. They came in bursts, you could hardly see where they were.

When we arrived at the entrance to the passage, a dark tunnel inside the bridge, I looked at the security guard and said:

-You are Jesus, aren't you? - looking for answers in the depths of his eyes.

He looked at me seriously, telling me to lower my head and immediately enter the Tunnel. When we entered, he gave me a smile and ran back outside.

When we arrived on the other side, there was a very beautiful and flowery neighborhood. Each had their home. Mine was very cozy, all in details of wood and walls in earthy tones, surrounded by fruit trees.

The last scene I remember, is me taking a bath in a glass tub, watching several meteors falling through the window.

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