Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Island, Evil One and Churches

Today I had a crazier dream than last one.

I dreamed I was going to church with my mother, uncle, and my cousins. Everything was fine until they asked a lot of money from each person to help maintain the church. I got angry because our church was small and didn't need nearly that much money and I started arguing with the woman who was speaking up front who answered:

"These offenders don't understand the difference between God's work and street robberies. Look at this woman complaining about God's work! These children were visibly beaten by police officers for committing street crimes!"

I felt hatred rising from the toe to the head. My cousins ​​were 8 and 4 years old in my dream. I shouted  so much that the priest closed the meeting.

When we left, we ended up in a place full of weeds, really weeds, with thorns and without being able to see far ahead. Walking a lot, I found an iron cross on the floor, it was a necklace, actually.

Resultado de imagem para ilha cheia de mato

At this time, the island turned out to be a giant black woman. All the weeds and rivers and trees were above and around it. But I was really scared when she started talking to me:

"This cross you carry was from one of the devil's followers himself, Vlad III, the Dracula. Now you will look in the eyes of evil what he looked like. " and I looked myself on the river: I was that skull guy from He-Man. 
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She explained other things to me more like she had become an island and what those pointy, weird plants were, but I didn't pay much attention.

When we all left the island and went to my house, there was a rave party going on in my street. That did look like hell. A motorcycle and a car collided with my car that was parked outside my house and I felt angry again. But there everyone was afraid of me and walked away from the door of my house.

Maybe it was the cross taking effect, I don't know. The rave is over, but I woke up before finding the culprits who hit my car. Damn it. 

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Everthing was about John Wick

I dreamed I was John Wick, with Keanu Reeves's face and all. I accidentally killed the son of an Italian mafia boss. This guy was fat, short and bald, with a striped suit, purple and white, chain and gold and cigar in his mouth, more like a cartoon stuff. 

The place was full of narrow streets, houses crammed on top of each other and several dead ends. They were not ugly houses, it was just very dark and confusing. I was running away from about 30 guys armed with every kind of heavy weaponry you can carry, same as Call of Duty.

Resultado de imagem para call of duty

They looked like military men, big and strong, with shaved heads, but they were shouting things in Italian (my brain must have remembered the little Italian he knows). I skipped walls, roofs, and fences, fleeing dogs, trying not to get the residents' attention. One of the soldiers found me and we fought. He stabbed my right shoulder, feeling the pain and seeing it sink into my body.

I woke up, scared and went to the bathroom. 

When I returned, the dream continued and I had become a small blond boy who lived in one of the houses. I watched the soldiers pass me as I watched their rush through the streets. One of them stopped, looked deep into my eyes and asked me if I had not seen a man in a black suit running around. I said I didn't know what he was saying. The boy's father I had become had left the house and shouted at the man to leave me alone.

When I entered the house, I suddenly grew up. Now I was a blond man, about 30 years old. I was absurdly tired, but I had to run because John Wick was after me. There were a few more people there, a woman who was apparently my girlfriend, some guys who were my friends, and two seniors. 

The place had become the house where I had spent my childhood, but with its very refined and chic exterior, in a beautiful neighborhood full of flowers and trees.

Resultado de imagem para beautiful neighborhood houses

I watched John's black car approach the wall, accompanied by several jeeps with those same military men.

When they broke down the door, the place became a cemetery. The shooting was so intense that the bodies were shattered on the floor, but I had no time to think about it: John Wick was coming after me, killing all my friends one by one. Only one survived, a big, bald guy like Vin Diesel. 

Getting out was difficult, I had to shoot about 17 people, the head of one of them exploded in front of me, the brain running down the wall. When we fled, we caught one of the jeeps in front of the house and drove as far as we could. 

We ended up in the middle of the desert. As we were hungry, we robbed a truck stop. We just got food, water and gas, nothing more. When we went to see one of the trucks had followed us: John Wick was the driver, but he was blond, fat and hairy. 

The last scene I can remember was seeing my jeep blown away and turning into a fireball on the road.

Resultado de imagem para car blowing up

Monday, October 14, 2019

Blue fire and The Bomberman.

Today's dream was unlike any other dream I've ever had.

 I was an employee of an excavation mine. Our company had dug deep into a mountain and there was a very deep hole in the darkness. The weird part of the situation was that the mountain was made of minecraft blocks.

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The miners began to die during work, so I went to check what was going on. There was a blue fire surrounding the whole mountain inside and a giant demon dog inside. In addition, there was a man, all dressed in black, who called himself the bomberman. With a scary yellow smile, the bomberman tried to kill me by throwing a grenade at me. I fled to the other exit of the mountain.

Resultado de imagem para nergal billy and mandy

I left in a weird place, very poor and dirty. Out of nowhere, a baby appeared on my lap. I heard about another woman who needed to pass the mountain and was worried about the monsters that were there. I offered my help and we climbed a long narrow stairway, made of cement and up a slum. Reaching the top, the woman comments, "I don't like to come by. There's a lioness who hates me."

Resultado de imagem para lioness

When I looked, there was a huge lioness with a pink dress and a bow on her head, looking at us. But, for some reason,  she got distracted and we tried to get right past her. We ran to the other street, but the lioness reached the other woman with the baby. I saw the scene, terrified, and screamed to get the lioness's attention, who got distracted and fell off a cliff, breaking her neck. I went down the slope and went to try to help the lioness. She was drowning in her own blood. For some reason she breathed but didn't move. Conveniently, a person who worked in one of the houses around appeared and we took care of the lioness.
Calmingly, the woman and I walked back toward the mountain. This time "the bomberman" wasn't there, but the devilish dog had turned into a nice labrador and it led us to the mountain's exit.

The blue fire turned to ice and we could climb back through the mountain hole.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Moe got laid because of me and Axl Rose

All stuff you'll hear about is a true dream I had.

I dreamed last night about my uncle and his little Beetle taking us to a city in Tokyo Bay.
It was a beautiful night and the view was the same that every gaijin would expect: panchinkos, street food shops, anime-dressed high school students, old men sweeping their sidewalks. Apparently Tokyo was under Gojira's attack, so the city was kind of deserted.
..........We could hear the screams in the distance.............

In the meantime, I went out looking for things to do. I passed by a house and heard a scream. When I broke the window, I saw a half-naked little boy on the floor and a scary old man. This one scrapes me in the ear and I, terrified, run off, sweating and shivering, with the boy in my arm.

After that, I drop the boy in the square and go to Moe's bar (that one of the Simpsons and don't judge me, I was stressed). I drank and saw Axl Rose comforting Moe.

I went out for buying some books in the shop next door. The attendant was a jerk with me.I got angry and said very meaning things to her, including she were dying alone. She cried a river and ran away. Besides this awful context, I left the store and had an idea.

Later, when Gojira was closer to where we were, I saw Axl and Moe heading to the marina. I convinced the shitty girl to come with me.

By the time we got there, Axl was talking to Moe and I called him to come with me, pulling by his elbow. Moe and the girl were left there ,alone. Axl and I ran off and laughed. We could hear the smooching..kkkk

I came back and my uncle was sleeping in a hammock. He woke up and we got home, magically teleported by his Beattle

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The end. Pretty crazy right?