Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Island, Evil One and Churches

Today I had a crazier dream than last one.

I dreamed I was going to church with my mother, uncle, and my cousins. Everything was fine until they asked a lot of money from each person to help maintain the church. I got angry because our church was small and didn't need nearly that much money and I started arguing with the woman who was speaking up front who answered:

"These offenders don't understand the difference between God's work and street robberies. Look at this woman complaining about God's work! These children were visibly beaten by police officers for committing street crimes!"

I felt hatred rising from the toe to the head. My cousins ​​were 8 and 4 years old in my dream. I shouted  so much that the priest closed the meeting.

When we left, we ended up in a place full of weeds, really weeds, with thorns and without being able to see far ahead. Walking a lot, I found an iron cross on the floor, it was a necklace, actually.

Resultado de imagem para ilha cheia de mato

At this time, the island turned out to be a giant black woman. All the weeds and rivers and trees were above and around it. But I was really scared when she started talking to me:

"This cross you carry was from one of the devil's followers himself, Vlad III, the Dracula. Now you will look in the eyes of evil what he looked like. " and I looked myself on the river: I was that skull guy from He-Man. 
Resultado de imagem para esqueleto he man

She explained other things to me more like she had become an island and what those pointy, weird plants were, but I didn't pay much attention.

When we all left the island and went to my house, there was a rave party going on in my street. That did look like hell. A motorcycle and a car collided with my car that was parked outside my house and I felt angry again. But there everyone was afraid of me and walked away from the door of my house.

Maybe it was the cross taking effect, I don't know. The rave is over, but I woke up before finding the culprits who hit my car. Damn it. 

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