Monday, October 14, 2019

Blue fire and The Bomberman.

Today's dream was unlike any other dream I've ever had.

 I was an employee of an excavation mine. Our company had dug deep into a mountain and there was a very deep hole in the darkness. The weird part of the situation was that the mountain was made of minecraft blocks.

Resultado de imagem para minecraft mountain hole png

The miners began to die during work, so I went to check what was going on. There was a blue fire surrounding the whole mountain inside and a giant demon dog inside. In addition, there was a man, all dressed in black, who called himself the bomberman. With a scary yellow smile, the bomberman tried to kill me by throwing a grenade at me. I fled to the other exit of the mountain.

Resultado de imagem para nergal billy and mandy

I left in a weird place, very poor and dirty. Out of nowhere, a baby appeared on my lap. I heard about another woman who needed to pass the mountain and was worried about the monsters that were there. I offered my help and we climbed a long narrow stairway, made of cement and up a slum. Reaching the top, the woman comments, "I don't like to come by. There's a lioness who hates me."

Resultado de imagem para lioness

When I looked, there was a huge lioness with a pink dress and a bow on her head, looking at us. But, for some reason,  she got distracted and we tried to get right past her. We ran to the other street, but the lioness reached the other woman with the baby. I saw the scene, terrified, and screamed to get the lioness's attention, who got distracted and fell off a cliff, breaking her neck. I went down the slope and went to try to help the lioness. She was drowning in her own blood. For some reason she breathed but didn't move. Conveniently, a person who worked in one of the houses around appeared and we took care of the lioness.
Calmingly, the woman and I walked back toward the mountain. This time "the bomberman" wasn't there, but the devilish dog had turned into a nice labrador and it led us to the mountain's exit.

The blue fire turned to ice and we could climb back through the mountain hole.

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