Sunday, October 13, 2019

Moe got laid because of me and Axl Rose

All stuff you'll hear about is a true dream I had.

I dreamed last night about my uncle and his little Beetle taking us to a city in Tokyo Bay.
It was a beautiful night and the view was the same that every gaijin would expect: panchinkos, street food shops, anime-dressed high school students, old men sweeping their sidewalks. Apparently Tokyo was under Gojira's attack, so the city was kind of deserted.
..........We could hear the screams in the distance.............

In the meantime, I went out looking for things to do. I passed by a house and heard a scream. When I broke the window, I saw a half-naked little boy on the floor and a scary old man. This one scrapes me in the ear and I, terrified, run off, sweating and shivering, with the boy in my arm.

After that, I drop the boy in the square and go to Moe's bar (that one of the Simpsons and don't judge me, I was stressed). I drank and saw Axl Rose comforting Moe.

I went out for buying some books in the shop next door. The attendant was a jerk with me.I got angry and said very meaning things to her, including she were dying alone. She cried a river and ran away. Besides this awful context, I left the store and had an idea.

Later, when Gojira was closer to where we were, I saw Axl and Moe heading to the marina. I convinced the shitty girl to come with me.

By the time we got there, Axl was talking to Moe and I called him to come with me, pulling by his elbow. Moe and the girl were left there ,alone. Axl and I ran off and laughed. We could hear the smooching..kkkk

I came back and my uncle was sleeping in a hammock. He woke up and we got home, magically teleported by his Beattle

Resultado de imagem para beetle car

The end. Pretty crazy right?

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