Saturday, December 26, 2020

Riot at the factory and stealth actions-just a summary

The dream I am going to tell you today has for context an old factory, a revolution, fights and a big hospital, based on a survivor horror game with stealth. This one wasn't linear, as it usually is. The plot has logic, but it took severall turns. This time I'm experimenting with a new way of writing, don't be surprised. I will tell you a summary so as not to get repetitive and confused, starting with where I was.

When a dream starts exactly we never know, but I realized that I was in a very old-looking hospital, maybe 150 years ago. My "husband" was in front of me - which is very strange because it looked nothing like anyone I remembered. He was ill, apparently due to work at the chemical factory he worked for. The dream was in the first person, so I didn't see how I looked, but I looked like I had a long, round dress covering my feet. I was very worried because the man in front of me was spitting blood in his coughs. The hospital and factory building were side by side, surrounded by a high wall and a huge wooden gate.

From that scene, we jumped into a mess in the courtyard. Several people shouting and trying to break into the buildings. From a sunny afternoon we passed into the middle of a very cold night, with clouds in the sky. I was inside, in the courtyard near the factory, waiting for the gate to burst and that bunch of people to fall on me. Suddenly, several men appeared inside, too, shooting people outside,using cannons. I was asked for help to reload the giant iron cannon beside me with cannonballs, but I thought it best to find a way to escape.

Looking through the side of the wall, I found a hole, small, but big enough for my husband and I to escape.When I ran back outside the mob and up the hospital stairs, I saw the entrance was destroyed and the lights were out, as well as some fires. The situation had already arrived there and I needed to be careful. I heard people on the other side of the corridor shouting and the sound of a thud hitting someone. I thought some people broke into the hospital to kill the patients who were there.

I went up as quietly as I could to my husband who wasn't even there anymore. They looked through all the dorms and I had to hide in several places. Like in games. A latino woman dressed as a punk appeared and tried to hit me with a baseball bat. 

I managed to deflect awkwardly. I ran downstairs with 5 or 6 people shouting after me, who would kill me, hit my head. They came down the stairs jumping right behind me. I managed to get to the entrance. Everything was on fire and somehow they caught fire right there.

Jumping back into the courtyard, there was a widespread riot there and I was very confused, jumped over the wall to avoid the mess of the gate and woke up as soon as I hit the floor.


Breathtaking views and Torture- Disclaimer: Not to weak stomachs. PTSD triggers. True nightmare.

I dreamt I was in a bus station, crowded as fuck, luxury everywhere. Chandeliers and tapestry at all. Walking past the platforms, I saw a mansion and a few people going in there. Thought nothing at first, tried to board to my way home, but the bus neve came. I was really really tired so 

" why not go to the mansion? maybe it is a hotel/motel indeed. I need some rest."

Reaching a garden fulll of red flowers and very ugly gnomes, I passed by a fountain full of blood. Not kidding. Sometimes in my dreams I can smell things, and based on my prior experiences, that smell was "rotting corpses and rust". 

Surprinsingly, in my dreams, I am brave as a viking warrior or a cold blood assassin psycopath so I kept moving. I knocked at door and a very very very old man answered me, invinting me to have some dinner and a rest. "Thank god?". I entered I was a very beautifull place, like a palace or something but I could'nt help notice that all the staff was crying, sometimes quietly, letting drop some tears. I thought:

"ok, there's something very wrong happening, so I gotta kick some butts or whatever." (Yeah, thats how I actually think when I dream, a fully designed persona. You saw that before in this blog right?) 

Anyway, I follwed, late at night, some old men, in robes, to a chamber deep down In a basement. Walking through the dark, there was some ice animals, like centipedes and rats ( they were literally made of ice). Reaching the bottom, I found every staff  naked and roped in devices, being TORTURED by machines, inserting a big "I dont know whatafuckwasthat" thing in their buttholes. THAT WAS PROBABLY THE MOST TERRIFYING THING I'VE EVER SAW IN MY DREAMS. 

The tortured ones were crying rivers, exclaiming that was painfull, bleeding by their anus and asking for help, while the old people were jerking off, laughing they were their slaves. Well, I had to do something. I don't know where from I took that idea but anyway..I SUMMONED A WEREWOLF. How the hell I did that? It wasn't anything I've saw before in movies. It was way more hideous, like a manticore and that thing SPOKE in a deep horrying grave voice. Asking me what do I wanna do. 

I didn't said anything but netx thing I saw, every old guy in robe was dead, except for that one who answered me at door. This one had both legs tored, but still alive. The manticore appearantly was gone because, while I was untying people, the crippled old guy kinda send me to the SPACE?! LITERALLY. 

So, there I was, in space, millions of miles from Earth. I saw Earth, beautiful, and I could see billions of stars far away. Everything was wonderfull BUT I was suffocating. Yeah, I was suffocating in a dream. I needded air. I don't know, maybe my cat was up my face, whatever, but I was trying reach a spacestation at moon, using my hands to swim like I was in the fucking ocean. For the first time in my dreams, I saw and feel myself dying and when everything got black, I woke up. There was no cat. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Shingeki no Kyoujin, God and Hogwarts

I dreamed that I was studying in a poor version of Hogwarts. They were plastic tables and chairs. The clothes were not pretty and typical of witches. Men and women only wore black suits, with black ties, and black shirts, black shoes.

Outside, at the entrance to the school, was a large slate gate. A structure surrounded by huge stone statues. Beautiful, colorful, of Greek appearance mixed with Renaissance. One of the statues was of God, typically represented: man, old, bearded, kind face, located right in the center. The second represented the Virgin Mary, with the baby Jesus on her lap, wearing red and blue robes, a crown on her head, just to the right and on the left side Jesus was in his typically represented figure: man, long hair, blue eyes.

We were in class, something about transfiguration (change in appearance) and out of nowhere we all heard a crash, the ground started to shake, and we heard a voice that sounded like thunder resounding within our organs.

When we ran to check, the statues had come to life and God said:

-My creation only makes me ashamed, destroying my garden and denigrating his soul. You should live in a pure way, but don't worry my children, I will cleanse your souls-, and brandished a giant, lightning-shaped sword over the school.

The representation of the Virgin Mary came to life, with the baby in her left arm, brandishing a golden club in her right hand and shouting:

-May God's will be done!

Jesus also came out of the stone, immaculate, in white and red robes, in hand a huge two-pronged ax, but instead of advancing on the school he simply stopped and shouted to his father:

-Do we really need to do this dad?

God looked at Jesus angrily, hitting the school hard with his huge sword.

Jesus then disappeared from the scene, running, gigantic, making the whole earth tremble around, while God and Virgin Mary destroyed the school, throwing lightning bolts, stones and hitting the buildings with their weapons.

Soon after I see one of the school's security guards, a black man, leading the children to a secret passage in the back, under a huge bronze bridge. It was strange because nothing hit the children on the way. None of the various stones were thrown, and God missed all strokes of his long sword.

As I ran there, I saw angels and demons fighting in the heavens. The angels were not at all conventional: they appeared to be typical bikers, flying using harleydavidson, with a beer belly and mustache, armed to the teeth with double-barreled shotguns. When they fired, there was a very blue and beautiful glow, but the noise was scary. You could see the path of the bullets, a blue line through the air. It was the angels who were deflecting everything that came towards us. Several sweaty, fat and bearded men, floating on their motorbikes while holding God's hand so we don't die.

The demons seemed to be those pin-ups. Very beautiful and sensual, but red, armed with arrows and daggers, long sharp claws. HUGE wings. They came in bursts, you could hardly see where they were.

When we arrived at the entrance to the passage, a dark tunnel inside the bridge, I looked at the security guard and said:

-You are Jesus, aren't you? - looking for answers in the depths of his eyes.

He looked at me seriously, telling me to lower my head and immediately enter the Tunnel. When we entered, he gave me a smile and ran back outside.

When we arrived on the other side, there was a very beautiful and flowery neighborhood. Each had their home. Mine was very cozy, all in details of wood and walls in earthy tones, surrounded by fruit trees.

The last scene I remember, is me taking a bath in a glass tub, watching several meteors falling through the window.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

COVID-19, The apocalipse.

I dreamed about corona virus quarantine..It transformed the world into complete chaos: fire, wide spreading violence, destruction of banks, city halls, shopping malls, thefts and there were no police.

The fire-monkey stirs - Street violence and politics | China | The ...

I was leaving an important class where I met Jesus Christ ...He told me to find someone named Jobdi, that he would solve my problems. I wrote down what Jesus had told me to ask and ask Jobdi and left.

When I arrived on the street, everything was really hellish. I got to Jobdi's office, but he wasn't there. It were the same place where was blue diamond and yelllow diamaond from the steven universe and their bathrooms ...
The Luminous Yellow Diamond & The Lustrous Blue Diamond | Steven ...

I was looking at the huge pool where they used to bathe for a while and I fell. Some girls keep me clean clothes to wear and I left for home. Halfway there a guy steals all my stuff. I go after him, hit straight on his golden nuts and tell him to give me back..he says he has already sold all of it.

So, I come home. There was an old friend who was very wealthy telling me to go to her farm and stay away from society. When we arrived at the place, it was a very chic condominium, surrounded, with a ridiculous password to enter: mabeline caramel cheeseburger.

When we entered, there was a path that everyone had to pass, it was very long and it passed through a beach and a very narrow path several meters high from the water.

Caminho da Morte, na China, é considerado uma das trilhas mais ...

There were other people waiting for us to pass. We were going when a cannon started firing at us. We ran a lot, several balls hitting the stone ten centimeters from my head.

When we arrived at a place where the cannon did not reach. There was a very bizarre thing in the water: a bright red baby with horns on its head, laughing and spitting fire, trying to pull us into the water. One of the guys who was with us fell into the water and I jumped in there trying to save him and ended up dying.

Then I woke up.

Friday, April 3, 2020


This last night I was going to a lecture at a college. I was very nervous and some of those present threw cans of soda at me, popcorn and booed me. Trembling, I ran out into the street, without looking back, and ended up in the old, deserted neighborhood.

I thought: I really need to get an internship, and I put CVs under all the doors. Until one of them opened and it was none other than Ozzy Osbourne, in a brown suit and tie and glasses. He was a Lawyer for sure. He sent me in and offered me a job at the office. Suddenly, one of the people who booed me came through the office door and started making fun of me. Ozzy fought him and I left.

Ozzy Osbourne - Ozzy Osbourne Photos - Classic Rock Roll Of Honour ...

Walking through the corridors, a ghost appeared. He screamed and floated fast towards me, throwing pumpkins that exploded in glitter over me, in adds to stink a lot. When I managed to escape the ghost, reaching the second floor of the building, the stairs were destroyed. I had no way to go down to the ground floor. I had to jump, leaving the ghost screaming angrily behind me.

In the street, everything was dark and deserted and two guys approached me to assault me. A girl who seemed to have a bar in the front stood up for me and I woke up.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Till Lindemann and a Lesson From the Dead

I dreamed that I had died. It wasn't an accident or anything violent, I was just old, very old, in a bed, with two men like me looking at me, one was crying and the other was looking at me sadly. Then I felt a pain in my chest and everything went dark.

When I woke up, I was in a place that looked like a fairy tale. Lavender and lilies everywhere, a sunny but fresh morning. The trees were big, tall and old ... there were some small animals like rabbits, deer, birds. When I started walking through that environment, there was a very blue stream, with some pebbles.

Then a black girl with red hair appeared and said to me:

"- You are late, but we will fix it."

So she took me to a group of people. I don't remember anyone specifically. We went to a building of shiny stones and gravel on the floor.

In the first room there was a ceiling full of stars, but they were not toys ... they were really galaxies that surrounded us while we were walking in that place. It was possible to see every planet, star, black hole. I was too distracted to notice that Till Lindemann was staring into my eye and I was startled.
Apparently in that dream I knew who he was. Yeah, I know he is in my weirdest dreams usually.

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Till Lindemann

He started talking about things like the beginning of everything and etc..but I don't remember anything at all..kkkk

In the second room, we saw all the people we love and hate during our lives. ALL OF THEM. It was really bad for me to remember some of them and I was scared and uncomfortable, but that girl who accompanied me gave me her hand and smiled.

In the third area, we went to an open courtyard, full of white flowers, Till explained to everyone present the meaning of death in the universe and that we would decide what to do and where to go after that.

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Then, I woke up.

I really wanted to remember what was said in that dream because everything seemed to have so much meaning and sense.

Unfortunately I forgot everything throughout the day.

Till Lindemann, Ed Sheeran and Sasuke Uchiha at the amusement park

I dreamed that I was in a really cool amusement park, huge, colorful, safe rides, everything shiny and the smell of good food everywhere. I played in several rides..roller coasters, ferris wheel, la bamba, kaboom, crazy cup. It seemed to be an entire island just for that, huge, and I was at a Rammstein show, right in front of the stage.

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I was having a lot of fun, feeling well and in peace..When Till Lindeman started singing Fruhling in Paris, Regina Duarte (brazilian actress and politian) started shouting something at me and trying to get my attention to answer and then Till  looked angryly deep in my eyes and spoke in English: 
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Regina Duarte

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Till Lindemann-Rammstein
"-I can't sing if you're disturbing me".

I was devastated and embarrassed and went to a corner to hide.Then a guy like Ed Sheeran came to talk to me, calm me down, but then he said he had to go because there was a special event in the park to go, but I couldn't because I didn't have the pass.

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Ed Sheeran

Out of nowhere, he changed his mind and walked with me and we bought churros and candies and shrimp sweets and snacks with soy sauce.

Then when night came, everyone retired to dormitory sheds and became like Hogwarts.

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One of the teachers was Sasuke Uchiha, the same appearance as the Bingo Book..There were some teenagers painting the walls, making caricatures of him and wanting to blame me. Ed Sheeran who told me.

Knowing this, I did a henge in the jutsu and I turned myself Sasuke and I went there to scold them.

When everyone was scared, the real Sasuke Uchiha appeared and I treated him like he was my uncle and gave him a big hug. The atmosphere was cold and everyone was confused. I explained what happened to Sasuke and left, leaving them with the real Sasuke Uchiha.

Resultado de imagem para uchiha sasuke akatsuki

At the end of my dream, I walked to the beach and saw a beach party, with lots of torches, food and music. People were dancing a lot and totally drunk. I sat on a tree trunk and looked at a beautiful full moon. 

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That's when I woke up.